Compiled by Edwin and Lillian Harvey


The Boldness of Faith

Now, O Lord God... do as Thou hast said (2 Sam. 7:25).

Be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me (Acts 27:25).

    Prayer, when it prevails, has about it a boldness, a holy audacity, which reminds us of the prophet whose plea was, "Do not disgrace the throne of Thy glory!" (Jer. 14:21).

    When a saint understands that prayer has three intercessors—the interceding Spirit within, the interceding suppliant, and the interceding Christ before the Throne—he feels himself but the channel through whom a current passes, whose source is the Holy Spirit in his heart, whose final outpour is through our great High Priest into the bosom of the Father. He loses sight of himself in the thought of the divine stream, and its spring and its ocean.

    How can he but be bold? Prayer becomes no more mere lame and timid asking—it is claiming—and laying hold on blessing! Nay, it is waiting for and welcoming the blessing, as a returning stream from the heart of God, pouring back into and through the heart of the suppliant.

    While he calls, God answers—there is a converse intercourse, intercommunication (Jer. 33:3). Prayer is not only speaking to God, but hearing Him speak in return. As a Japanese convert said, it is like the old-fashioned well, where one bucket comes down while another goes up—only, in this case, it is the full bucket that descends from Heaven. —A. T. Pierson

    Faith is knowing that our Lord Jesus is Victor. That is to say, it is not thinking about how much faith you have. It is thinking about Him! And it is not thinking so much about what He will do. It is thinking most about what He has done.

    Jesus Christ is Victor. Faith is depending on that, or better yet, on Him! It is not working up your feelings, and saying, "I must believe;" not that. It is simply fixing my whole thought on Jesus, the Victor. There He is on the throne. That scarred, crowned, enthroned Lord Jesus—I have no doubt about Him! That is faith—looking to Him, resting on what He is, and what He has done, and what He says in His Word.

    There's still another simple word to put in here that we may keep things in poise. A "taking" faith is a discerning faith. Those words "obey" and "abide" point to the close touch with the Master that lets us know what His plans are. The daily study of His Word reveals to us His will, and trains us to discern what His particular will is under the circumstance where you must act. Abiding makes us keen to know what we may take. The whole purpose underneath everything is to get His great loving will done. There must be a clear eye before there can be a taking hand.

    As I step quietly on, under the gracious guidance of His Spirit, I am to "take" what I will, in His Name—life after life, man after man, gold after gold, strength renewed constantly for new work, anything and everything that is needed and that should be in His service. And because He is Victor, every hindrance must go, and will go, before the man who presses forward where He leads in His name.

    Shall we go out and take, in Jesus' Name, what belongs to us by the right of His death and resurrection? —A. J. Gordon

    Martin Luther had this boldness with God, and when Myconius, his helper in the Reformation, lay dying, this courageous man could not feel this was God's will. Luther replied as follows: "I command thee in the name of God to live because I still have need of thee in the work of reforming the church. . . . The Lord will never let me hear that thou art dead, but will permit thee to survive me. For this I am praying. . . and may my will be done because I seek only to glorify the name of God!"

    When Myconius received the letter he was unable to speak but he recovered and survived Luther by two months.




Kneeling We Triumph is a storehouse of precious nuggets on the subject of prayer, compiled from the writings of godly men and women of the past. Consisting of sixty two-page readings, this book will stimulate you to the tremendous possibilities of prayer. Some chapter titles are "Waiting, a Proof of our Faith," "Hush My Heart to Listen," and "When Prayer is a Cry."

From the authors' Forward :

"Like many other Christian workers who have been anxious to be successful in labor for God, we have been forced to the conclusion that the Holy Spirit alone can effect lasting results. During these past years of heart-searching study, we have gathered together similar conclusions from many God-honored ministers and missionaries who have discovered the secret that the Holy Spirit comes to our aid when, wearied with self-effort, we ask, seek, and knock. We long very much to share with God's children some of these readings and to spread them as widely as possible."


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